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Anthony Stephenson
Beginning with the word as abstraction, “Zounds!” (c.1978) presented onomatopoeia into the conceptual field. These investigations went from the Derridean influenced architectonic (“Gramr” 1985) to image/poetic to Deleuzean diagrammatic (“Mine + Yours = Ours” 2007). Synthesis has been a recurring theme that brings together a morphology and ideology that has evolved into not only conceptual, but sequential investigations. So while certain stylistic qualities are observable throughout my work, an evolving logic supports the content. The work has moved from the astrophysics of “Singularity” (1996) to a series of work titled “The Ambit Suite” (2007) in which the border became the issue, to studies in value with “Trickle” (2008) and “Change” (2011). Mobile affectations have been lined-up recently in a series of videos entitled “Dromoscopic” (2015) which has a stabile complement in the “Xrds” (2016) paintings and “pano-pictures” such as “Town & Country” (2017).
2016, “fences (no walls)” Video as Official Selection to the "IndieWise Virtual Festival”
2015, “36&71” Video Included in the "Public Interrogation: Outside the White Cube”, Public Spaces, Metro Manila, Philippines
2015, “The Fourth One-Hundred-and-One Stops” Video Featured in the 2015/2016 Cyberfest Video Program, St. Petersburg, Russia
2015, “the loop, in the dark” net.art included in the “Op3nR3p0” exhibition as a part of “The NetArtizens Project”, London, UK
2014, “The Paste Inside the Grove Behind the Fences” Video Included in the "Slingshot Festival Of Music, Electronic Arts & Tech", Athens, GA
2013, “The Paste Inside the Grove Behind the Fences" Video Included in the "Streaming Festival - 8th Edition", the Hague, Netherlands
2012, “On the sCent" Video Included on "Wander Web TV", Liege, Belgium
2012, “On the sCent" Video Shown at Chartier, New Haven, CT
2012, “Change Brief Abridged” Video Broadcast for "Leap Second Festival 2012"
2006, “Cloverleaf” Video Shown at Asbury Lanes, Asbury Park, NJ
1998, “Possession of the Artist” net.art “The Best of Two Worlds – Rhizome”, Madrid, Spain
1998, 2010, 2012, 2016, 2017 Group Show “Monmouth Art Alliance”, Red Bank, NJ
1995, "Salient Evincement" Video Broadcast on "Offline", Ithaca, NY
1992 to 1994, Executive Producer, “Articulated Spectation” A cable-access program for Monmouth Cablevision
1991, “Image ‘n Me” Video Broadcast on Channel 5, Boston, MA
1991, “Huaki Fugue” Music Distributed by Pointless Music
1987, Published in Art Papers
1984, Group Exhibition "Art & Sound", AIR Gallery, Clifton, NJ
1981, “Dreamstand” Sculpture Commissioned by LACE, Los Angeles, CA
1980, ”Silver" & "Gold" Exhibited at the Pacific Stock Exchange, Los Angeles, CA
“Like an embu, the ground of the landscape rises up to the surface, inanimate objects are exhumed from the horizon and come each in turn to permeate the varnish of the windscreen, perspective becomes animated, the vanishing point becomes a point of attack sending forth its lines of projection onto the voyeur-voyager, the objective of the continuum becomes a focal point that casts its rays on the dazzled observer, fascinated by the progression of landscapes.” – Paul Virilio
