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Hal Kahn
Hal Kahn spent his working life as a writer and editor in the newspaper business. He uses photography as a self-prescribed way of coping with long-term illness. He specializes in portraits of the elderly but also does nudes and macro images of flowers.
Kahn argues that too often older people are ignored and marginalized in modern society. In the Age of Botox, Kahn's work makes the point that wrinkles and grey hair should be seen as signs of strength and perseverance, not targets for the cosmetics industry. He is especially interested in expressing beauty in non-traditional ways.
Prior to moving to New Jersey in 2014, Kahn lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico, for 15 years. His portraits have been exhibited in galleries in Albuquerque, Dixon and Santa Fe. His botanical images have been sold in the gift shop of the New Mexico Museum of Fine Art. Kahn's "Faces of the Elderly" series, a book in progress, has been featured in newspapers, magazines and on television.
In his newspapering days, Kahn covered everything from White House press conferences to high school football games. While working in California, he served on the board of directors of the San Jose Library system and subsequently the San Jose Library Foundation.
